ado是什么意思(n. 忙乱,骚动),ado中文意思翻译、例句、反义词、近义词等
n. 忙乱,骚动
1. He made a big ado about his promotion. (他对自己的晋升大惊小怪。)
2. Let's do it without any ado. (让我们别拖延了。)
3. All the ado was for nothing. (那些喧嚣都是徒劳。)
4. She entered the room with much ado. (她兴冲冲地走进房间。)
5. They finally settled the matter amidst much ado. (在一片骚乱中,他们最终解决了这个问题。)
同义词 [词性. 意思]
fuss [n. 忙乱]
bustle [n. 忙碌]
hullabaloo [n. 喧嚣]
uproar [n. 骚动]
confusion [n. 混乱]
反义词 [词性. 意思]
calm [n. 平静]
tranquility [n. 安宁]
serenity [n. 宁静]
peace [n. 和平]
silence [n. 寂静]
1. There was a lot of fuss over such a small matter. (对于这么小的事情,搞得鸡飞狗跳的。)
2. She bustled around, trying to get everything ready. (她匆忙忙地忙活着,准备好每件事。)
3. The hullabaloo at the party was overwhelming. (派对上的喧闹声震耳欲聋。)
4. The uproar in the courtroom prevented the lawyers from making their arguments. (法庭上的骚动妨碍了律师们陈述他们的论点。)
5. The confusion after the accident was chaotic. (事故后的混乱场面一片混乱。)
adobe acrobat DC
ado是什么意思,由英文单词大全编辑整理,最后修订时间:2023-07-25 05:55